
New job

Here I got a job as a bottled water driver (galonke), used by companies. The first day I go with a man who works in a company for a long time, last Friday I was at a job interview, when my wife in charge is obviously in charge of staffing, rekla and I quote “There is no subterfuge from the people in our firm”.

Today I ride with a man, when you watch this, we come to people in companies, and someone IDIOTI announces me before, now how is it possible for me to know that, so nice, deliberately delivered to you so you know it, so it was in the CIAK warehouse, so to the bazaar warehouse, so until I fuck their mater, but somehow they are skewed by the statement that there is no subterfuge, and someone got a worksheet that this man has who takes me with him and they go ahead of us and announce ME, now you watch those IDIOTS or what IDIOT game they use, and then what else they promised them (“my people just fucking with me” these in the firm), I didn't get any contract, and should as of 01.07.2022, but I am registered in another pro-forma firm at 2h, which is a partner of Bolt for deliveries, this staffing woman from this company first tells me to cancel this company for which i only work 2h, and then he tells me NOT YET, you will work as only 6h, because who knows how long you will stay in the new firm (it was BETWEEN ROWS), normally idiots don't like me working at all, and if I work there is no worksheet on paper or photographed with a cell phone camera, than to throw me or not to drive me, because that way he can fuck me better, BUT it is important that there is no planting, NOW follows no sleep as an extra fuck on +37 degrees, and I should deliver per day of 2 tons of gallons towards more, I see that I am not lagging behind a character who is a year older than me, but he weighs at least 10kg more than me and he does it all the time.

Otherwise, I am stunned by the amount of idiocy, who they are, people who fuck me, or to ask a better question, who decides what they may or may not do, for whom I work in the company, how important is this job, how important are the people who do this to me, how important is the bullshit they pour on me every day!!!???


I am registered, but probably not for long, he should start working alone today, they just want to remove me, I don't fuck +37 degrees. they shot, to work as a black man, they have everything arranged, has the following options in 00:54, and I rise officially in 05:30, I'm starting to work, light cycling training of 7.5 km by bike to the company with 50 year i 4 month, THEY STILL WON'T LET ME SLEEP OR MAKE ME SLEEP, so in general we have the following:

  1. You won't go to work at all, because they talked you into fucking all night
  2.  You go to work, but this one still won't let you go to work alone
  3. You did not satisfy at all, the landlady changed her mind
  4.  You go to work so fucked up, on steam, tropical heat, they fuck you less, but there is no effect, because I am old after all, it's no joke to transfer 2000 kg over your hand, be careful not to screw up the car, papers, as well as money, I have decided that I will definitely resign after those 2 hours at the partner from BOLT.

Dana 29.06.22 to 30.06.22 they only let me sleep 2:30 my, of the above 4 points higher, the profiler/s decided on the option 2, because now it is COMPLETELY clear to me that profilers, the idiots in charge of fucking are relaying information to my employer, as well as the people I work with, so I went to work with someone again, only because I was sleeping 2:30 my, how it looks after Monday's scolding, means 4 days, as if you were drunk, reactions slowed down, drive our nation +30 degrees, I have silver elastin fabric, as protection, until I put it on my head, somewhere around 11:00, they had even more information off the top of their heads, so much so that I was almost asleep, the roof caught fire, idiots are fucking you, if they put a man with you on the other side, he doesn't know your reactions, I almost threw a man onto the road and into the side roads, a colleague shouted, I really didn't see the man, that was all OK with them, wonderful conclusion, something improved when I put that silver-elastin crap on my head.

Some sort of scolding from the idiot below, who are in charge of arranging the fucking devices has changed with the job, means the person below positions the device below you, but the person who fucks you, below or some from somewhere else, not far it does it on the level that it just PICKS you up, you know you don't have a second of peace, while you eat on the chair they just fuck you, because they don't care what you do, let it continue, is coming again

Dan 05.06.2022, I didn't sleep all night, Ok, I didn't go to the field alone, after that the rest of the day, they put me to sleep the whole time, something like sleepwalking.

Everyone knows who I am, what are they doing to you, that you don't sleep, I pass my hands over 3 tone robe, nosim galone water po 40kg, I drive a van, I will probably have an accident, LET THEM CHARGE THEMSELVES, I won't pay.

Dan 06.06.2022. They put me to sleep as I mentioned before 05.06.2022 in front of my computer, For a reward, the neighbor was the first to freeze in the attic (but gently I must admit the neck, to turn my head more easily in traffic. They woke me up like that on a chair in 00:50, BELIEVE IT. I guess until morning, they say if u 05:15 he won't let me sleep at all, reason, they simply DON'T LET YOU SLEEP, I will not give in, I want to have a car, I have court on Friday, everyone knows what they are doing to me, there is simply NO brain in the heads of these people, you should drive alone, finally van with 2-2.3 tons of goods of 5-6 m per grdau, GOOD GUYS




They taught me a lesson,bs

Ovo cu zapoceti sa cudnim prizvukom, ako vam zvuci poznato, javite se. From my friend dad 😀 is the main importer for “flags” u RH. A little support from the citizens is required, something similar to Uber when it arrived with us, to revive that startup from my friend, ie. his small family business, you know what bandera and barabe and what is done with them 😉 😉 😉.

Posto sam ja uvijek pripadao gradanskoj Evropskoj stranci, moje misljenje je da jednostavno ovdje nema smisla trositi pogled na bandere i barabe, a pošto imam opće poznatih probleme sa erekcijom, dobar pogled je jedino što mi preostaje, and I will certainly not spend it on poles and barbarians.

A sada da se vratimo na naslov. …

Pičke koje su dobile ta govna od baraba (uvezena od rusa, mozda od amera, a mozda su kinezi bili povoljniji na tenderu), su me jednostavno natjerali da se pokrenem, da progledam i da kazem jebite se svi, ja idem probati uspjeti vani, ako se predomislim neću se vratiti doma, nego ću skočiti u Atlantik i samo plivati što dalje od ove izdrkotine, naravno to je nešto što mi je dozvoljeno da sanjam o nečemu boljemu, nešto slično kao prosječnom kretenu kada jebe mater barabama u tramvaju i samo stane na tome, ozbiljno počinjem razmišljati da je prosječni kreten, cca 4 milijuna njih osvježen nečime sintetičkim, but I don't know what it could be, osim ako nisu nešto stavili na Sljemenov toranj (nešto što ja imam svaki dan), taj ima jebeno dobar pogled na većinu naše izrdkotine. Because they made me see that no institution will do anything for me, a pošto sam egoistično govno, kao i svi normalni ljudi, ja sam se odlučio za ovo, ali samo zato da uživam u pogledu crvenih pjegavih kuja, jer sam iz iskustva skuzio da su one najbolje, ali samo gledati naravno, jer svi znaju da ja ne mogu ništa napraviti.

 If an accident happens in the meantime, accidentally the car I'm driving breaks down, to make money just to burn out of this jerk or some other accident, u koje mogu biti uvučene i barabe, ili neki od njihovih odjela/odsjeka, it's just to forbid me to watch red-spotted bitches 😉 .

I speak nicely to them, fuck you have European salaries, Come on guys, let's settle down in the cunt motherfucker, that we all get red-spotted offspring :D:D:D , maybe they listen to me.





Kiki II parting

For those who do not know who is Kiki, and accidentally read these debilane quickly link to repeat material.

Kiki culmination

I do not know why I called Kiki for the third time, I had a special instinct for time. Unazad dva tjedna mi kljuca od kada sam ju ševio jednom bez gumice, da bi se trebao ići testirati, that might have a sickness, her ex-boyfriend was a drug addict, but somehow she nonchalantly said that “HER” Sakoman said that there is nothing. When we see a second time, spomenuo sam testiranje na koje se ona uhvatila da bi trebali ići, we did not sleep. Today's meeting will not so quickly forget, I come, she dressed provocatively, cook coffee, needs to get her a friend, but did not come. He shows me the results of blood, liver enzymes are in a skyscraper, OK maybe booze, I give her the papers to anonymous climate testing hmm. serious illnesses, I would go out with her, it will not, wants to stay, move me download, fallen cigarettes. Suddenly called her friend that will still come, comes a quiet čiča in years, who is it good, dear man who cares for her. Most of the time I have a conversation, atmosphere stupid, talking dumb criminal stories from the past, roll me or seriously!!!. She goes to bed where he needs to rest, čiča se odlazi u drugi krevet odmoriti, or not, It requires him to leave the table to make society, ON will, women shot at once as in the theater, Now we will all see, turning numbers randomly, called old, followed by a message to him from her old, It requires that we recover at home, but we can not because Kiki locked the door. Kiki at one point throwing a glass on the floor and hysterically yelling, dog me shit himself and started to run away, will persistently on the glass, mičem weighs, will persistently call 192, BTW, what the fuck ever, cops were 92. Kiki still yields and opens the door for us, Uncle wears a bike, I unezverenog beets under his arm, out by asking, listen because it also really good fucks, because he believes lark was despair, and hear not know, what to say, I've always been good to her, as they normally sleep together and toss me to have muted the bacteria in the urine!!!, that the ten lined on it, that he offered it to her shore, that her ex-boyfriend, junkie forced to have sex with animals, Note the smoking pit bulls, one dog that died from the disease xyz, breaking up with market, with a message of support, “Hear sorry dude”.


I intend to go to test the plagues, They know it, in the same moment when we were walking, mene krene boliti jetra ;-), move one of those mighty panic attacks, natural synthetic, I want to break, splitting my dick for Kiki, HIV, do not have to listen to them more, I'm happy, Only that's not more ad-hoc, jebote live with time if the watch 15 g., I'm talking to you just as you can roll up your ass, fuck suddenly V2k, samo te karamo, messing. XYZ times question, everything is allowed in this game. My website is here only as a moral vertical balance in a game without rules, and that they do not have and that I was solo on “KVATRIĆ” Now I would be fucked all night, synthetic dreams, with fake pain, because they are already doing, and when I blew a bunch of money, that would prove 0.

Kiki is supposed to serve as a joker, because we are relatively close, becoming addicted to it, sorry I can not, because we do not give jerks, and I certainly do not want, I want to get laid and get away, I did not expect this kind of transformation of women, that actress at the table and games, At one point, when the glass on the floor was like killing me as Anja Šovagović hehehe, I underestimated bitch because I saw her a couple of times stoned, I did not know that anything like this istrkeljati, owes me a number of brunettes, if you do not know which, looking at the page…

Beletristika, SF, blast from the past

Nastavak na crtice iz prošlosti kada su mi se počele događati čudne stvari o kojima nisam imao pojma. Sa bivšom sam probao klapa II početak, te smo unajmili stan blizu legendarnog kafića “Mimoza”


Kada je odjednom cijelo selo znalo sve o nama, a mene su počele napadati “edine” prikaze ili Steven King ekranizacija “The Shining” sa Nickolsonovom legendarnom “Here comes Johnny”, a što reći sada znamo da je sve bilo odrađeno za neuspjeh.


Uplitanje u emotivne odnose

Sa ovime što znam danas, ovoga trena, gdje mi se želi dati do znanja da ti se kontrolira cijeli život, od metabolizma, spavanja, unosa hrane, naravno i emotivnoga života, htio bi povući crtu sa jednim događajem iz prošlosti, koja je vezana uz osobu sa kojom sam bio i zbog čega se sve ovo radi. Bili smo vani pokušavali nešto-ništa, does not matter, u gradu nas je uhvatio proljetni ili ljetni pljusak, ona je ostavila, krovni prozor otvoren i dosta kiše je napadalo u potkrovlje gdje je živjela. Sorry mi smo se razišli u gradu i ja sam dobio jezikovu juhu od nje preko tel. , možda prije izljev bijesa da sam ja kriv zbog toga, ja sam to pripisao za sve kroz što smo prošli, ili što sam joj “sve” napravio. To pričam jer me to iznenadilo za 1 osobu od koje to NIKADA nisam doživio, a znali smo se dosta, mislio sam VAU. Danas sa ovime što imam slobodno mogu uvesti u varijablu i teoriju zavjere. Meni se može promijeniti svijest od malog mačeta do bijesa koji frca iz ušiju kao para i sve to u nekoliko sec. dok kvrcneš prstima, pitam se da mi nisu i curicu NAŠILJILI. Hoću reći sada znam da je to sve bio drek od veze, ali to bi trebali sami zaključiti, a ne da ti ljudi sa strane kroje tvoju vezu ili osječaje, ili da emulirajući prave događaje prekinu vezu, kome nije jasno o čemu pričam, neka pogleda film IMDB imitation game.


Nešto privatno, da se maknemo od debilana. Zbog prenatrpanog rasporeda opterečenog debilanama, morao sam napraviti listu prioriteta, te sam uspio naći malo vremena pomoći frendu da proba smršaviti malo “prirodnim” putem, ne može svatko imati ovo što ja imam. Svako ljudsko biće je sebično govno i gleda samo sebe, a ja sam našao malo vremena i pokazao dozu emaptije za frenda.




Nova-stara euforija

back 4-5 dana imamo na rasporedu novu-staru euforiju ili stvarno imam neku terminalnu bolest. Imam čudne euforije bolova u desnom prsištu, sa konstantnim nadrazivanjem glasnica na kašljanje (kašalj), ukomponirano sa primjesama sukrvice u ustima pomiješanog sa slinom. Da bi učinak bio potpuni izgubio sam NAGLO 600 g na vagi unazad jebenih 2 days (puno sam radio), dobar dokumentarni film ili stvarni, pokazati će vrrijeme, klipici stižu uskoro.

Ovo nema direktne veze sa zajebancijom

Zaboravio sma napomenuti da sam jučer spavao skoro kao svako normalno biće, skoro pa 8 h sna, osim toga poklopilo se još i lijepo vrijeme, istina malo vjetrovito, ali čovjek jednostavno mora biti sretan. Stojim sa svojom đukelom na raskršću u kvartu, kada mi u vizualni korteks naleti poznato lice, hehehe. Nakon nekoliko trenutaka skoro kao vječnost, gestikulacija te osobe pokazala je da osim što se osječa nelagodno (neugodno) jednostavno hmm sreću, bilo joj je drago da me snimila. Moja reakcija na to, bila je da sam iščupao mobitel iz đepa ciljajući na vrijeme tj. doba dana kada ona nije, hmm “up” i da će nešto padati odozgo. Iskreno potrefilo se skoro sve za taj dan, dobio sam 1 flashing image za onaj tren na radnom stolu ili tren prije alstarije kada ti prozuje takve sličice ili kratki filmovi, ili da usporedim sa glupom reklamom od banke, osim što ima dobru krilaticu, “osječaj neopisivo”. Bez obzira što taj tren jednostavno nema smisla natuknuti toj osobi zbog glupih međuljudskih odnosa, tvrdoglavosti i inih ljudskih inhibitora, JA jednostavno znam.


Weird Weight Loss

Continue to follow the subject through a strange euphoria that are happening to me. The latter takes a long time, I had 77 Kg, I have in the past year lost and was reduced to 69,9 kg to a digital scale.




stitnjaca_nalazHe pointed out that I would rather 9 mj. was the testing of thyroid hormones, which showed that all is well, only remains to have a terminal illness, and yet every day I was out with the peso and want them for large amplitudes, I eat like a fish and not a shit on 3 days, themselves Finish.

I da sorry, This is not Selfie, I hate such izdrkotine, Although I have been good the carpentry.