State institutions should do their job

Vauu, I like this, the title is so cynical, the author himself succumbed to them, but in my story did not even encountered some understanding for my story and the beginning of the story I visited the State Attorney's Office, Police Station in Maksimir,


He called HHO (they told me there let you put on the walls of the sandwich protection from the Hertz frequency), TEAR (animal protection society), contacted some journalists, Various doctors, attempt to obtain disability mirovine sa zajedničkim predznakom da nitko nije pokazao najmanji interes. My brief commentary on the subject is that the institution will not do their job, not because I'm the only one this is happening, or because there is no law yet, or people in a little better countries with human rights, no protection, work is not, when the criminal offense and recognized under the law, simply is not done. Some cynical and ironic situation, would be the following, Police defend and regaira if someone invades your computer and steal your data, over the Internet, but if the fool over time and uses EMP, weapons specially designed for this function, Karanja electronic equipment into (the same is prohibited and punishable out) then there is no criminal part, was an attempt to take over the connection to the computer expertise, but it did not work.

Electronic equipment

Since you want to make clear what they can, and that you think that they are strong when they do their job, and that of course prošvikaš finally hehehe. It started at the beginning with Karanja using bluetooth, so you are moving the mouse, turn you dektop, random taps on the phone, writing messages or sending sticker on Viber 2 people with whom you communicate, with the part that bothers you, or not considered, they can and destroy equipment, I'm so backwards 10g, ie, "I" I pokurio full range of electronic equipment and gadgets, such as a cell phone less than a year old, sdcard card with eternal guarantee, several computers (true strange things happened when I did not even know what can be). It was a phase when I computer preinstalirao 4 times within 1-2 month, just when you do everything right, that can move, fuck dung, come on dude from scratch, destroyed data, in the last wave of approximately 80GB of files. The thing I bridge in a way that the data that is. backup dislocated in several locations. I had to be forced to think about stronger passwords and changing them, etc.. You have to somehow protect your computer, succeeded / failed attempts grounding computer. The computer and the monitor I had connected with HDMI cable without jeftnim magnets (ring) the magnetic induction, scenario is as follows, are you doing, a patient bored, and every moron 4-5 with Rokn by cable Sirin 2 cm long and 3m with something you get interference on the monitor, will be that they are bored over time.

Another irony on this topic, would be protection el. equipment for example in insurance companies, that have some funny clause in the contract. Let's say you can not officially sign the el. EMP device damaged, I think no one normal it will not make, but you can not cheat them or that the electric. device damaged in a sudden drop / high voltage above given parameters, But check it out, have a clause to recognize insurance in case of crash at your house, apartment, what is with us honestly funny, or that 11.09 attack took place some EMP weapons, maybe you and what now been recognized with an insurance company.


* Fuckups laptop using vulnerabilities in the Bluetooth standard

* Destroyed data on hard approx 80-100 GB, I do not know whether it is wise to say that it is hard even correct
