I didn't have much time to contact the police, I didn't have much time to contact the police, I didn't have much time to contact the police, I didn't have much time to contact the police, I didn't have much time to contact the police, I didn't have much time to contact the police, I didn't have much time to contact the police, jer imam više mira za spavanje ili nešto treće, kao recimo “by chance” tagiranje osobe na mig, poziv nekoga tko te stalno prati, znaju da ja volim policiju, pa treba to amortizirati.
Bio sam na policiji I didn't have much time to contact the police kada sam prijavio auto sa stranim A tablicama, sa udubljenim zadnjim prtljažnikom koji me prepračuje 4x. I didn't have much time to contact the police, I didn't have much time to contact the police, I didn't have much time to contact the police, I didn't have much time to contact the police, have all the people who have been in business with other people for a long time, have all the people who have been in business with other people for a long time, kada sam ispriča sve detalje. have all the people who have been in business with other people for a long time, have all the people who have been in business with other people for a long time, have all the people who have been in business with other people for a long time, have all the people who have been in business with other people for a long time “have all the people who have been in business with other people for a long time” , have all the people who have been in business with other people for a long time, have all the people who have been in business with other people for a long time. have all the people who have been in business with other people for a long time, they would say a higher percentage is familiar with what I do than one who is unfamiliar, they would say a higher percentage is familiar with what I do than one who is unfamiliar, they would say a higher percentage is familiar with what I do than one who is unfamiliar
they would say a higher percentage is familiar with what I do than one who is unfamiliar, they would say a higher percentage is familiar with what I do than one who is unfamiliar, they would say a higher percentage is familiar with what I do than one who is unfamiliar, to znaju tj. prate oni fixeri, they would say a higher percentage is familiar with what I do than one who is unfamiliar.
Moj pes je krenuo naprijed jer se mala povukla naglo unazad, they would say a higher percentage is familiar with what I do than one who is unfamiliar, they would say a higher percentage is familiar with what I do than one who is unfamiliar, they would say a higher percentage is familiar with what I do than one who is unfamiliar, ZNATE unazad nekoliko dana razmišljam kako je moguće da ovaj (me) nije ološ, they would say a higher percentage is familiar with what I do than one who is unfamiliar, they would say a higher percentage is familiar with what I do than one who is unfamiliar, ima sada veze sa policijom više nego kada je bio maloljetnik, čudno da se pozvao odmah na muriju, he has more to do with the police now than when he was a minor…he has more to do with the police now than when he was a minor, he has more to do with the police now than when he was a minor, he has more to do with the police now than when he was a minor, he has more to do with the police now than when he was a minor, oni dežuraju po noći koliko dugo ja tipkam po računalu.
he has more to do with the police now than when he was a minor, he has more to do with the police now than when he was a minor, he has more to do with the police now than when he was a minor, he has more to do with the police now than when he was a minor, he has more to do with the police now than when he was a minor, jer je netko zvao prije nekoliko trenutaka i najavio mene i koga ću ja to spomenuti, znate ja to znam jer sam vozio taxi 4-5g po Zagrebu i upoznao sam ljude.
because someone called a few moments ago and announced me and who I would mention, because someone called a few moments ago and announced me and who I would mention, because someone called a few moments ago and announced me and who I would mention, because someone called a few moments ago and announced me and who I would mention, because someone called a few moments ago and announced me and who I would mention, because someone called a few moments ago and announced me and who I would mention, because someone called a few moments ago and announced me and who I would mention, because someone called a few moments ago and announced me and who I would mention, because someone called a few moments ago and announced me and who I would mention, because someone called a few moments ago and announced me and who I would mention, because someone called a few moments ago and announced me and who I would mention, read police I.
Ali kako ih uhvatiti!!!???, znate zadržite ih kada nalete prije mene 5 min u plolicijsku stanicu ili triangulirajte telefonski poziv kada me najave, ili ne, još bolje, napravite brzinsku inspekciju telefona i snimite poruke kroz whats app ili viber HAHAHA.
Suma Sumarum, sa proaktivnom politikom VII P.P. stanje na terenu jest ovakvo, ulupane hrpe novaca u zaštitu, Al, Nikal, SIlver elastin, bakar, karbon boja, a nista ne pomaže jer jer zračenje previše jako, puno jaće prema potrebi od onih famoznih 6 ili 7 mw koje dopušta zračenje uređaja u domaćinstvu (mikrovalne pećnice) ili recimo wi-fi mreža. Oni su samo zid do mene, a vaša pristranost jest činjenica da su pičke od susjeda aktivne više nego ikad, jer znaju da im neće biti ništa, ili po onoj narodnoj, kada mačke nema miševi kolo vode, pa onda stanje na terenu izgleda ovako, u svojoj privatnoj imovini, stanu, sobi, ti nemaš mira 5 minuta, posrati se, popišati, da ne pričam nešto više kao recimo pročitati nešto na kompu ili napraviti nešto na kompu, hvala vam, you are welcome očekujem opet sa jednim proaktivnim pojavljivanjem policije na mig, tzv policijska obrada kada idem na spavanje po parkiralištima.
P.S. Molim nemojte mi pomagati, “I didn't have much time to contact the police”, pomognite njima službeno sa nekom prijavom.