Synthetic substances on my, and what now “my precious”

So looong we had this shit. I mean invest in shielding, and you're in, but fuck cunt which everything in life get me fucked up, However, the fool does not sleep, dug a hole jerk, which was the effect of shifting in his sleep, TA-DA synthetic substances, or not “ordinary”. This time they're pussies chose my old bitch because of that I am receiving all on a daily basis, now we have to stop a little on the ball and imagine the, How many times have we said to him: to think about shit, not much, because it was the point of action, that's the jedini, but what it now????. Maybe the guys excited, go pen smears with a ruler to share.

The reason is just that I'm shooting for her cock and they know it well, so you give vent, go ahead bojsi……

when all their

So all their, there was no hope for me. When your friends their, odrade 5 minute roll for them, when the collector bottle, their, as they ran to jerk and tossed his headphones, and talk to him when I was little talk in real time, and the thing turned out badly, just because the guy was drunk. When your phone is not your, for I have kriptiras, You take all debilane, with him that I can not fuck, but fuck 24h are you on 25-35m, and injecting someone shit wirelessly just to show you how to take control of your phone. When your parents robots in their hands, because as doing at all times for them to roll, unconsciously, when all the neighbors play a role for them 5 minute because it's cool, and when I take away 50% of all the ordered because I'm paranoid, My question to you jerks, where you IMPACT….

moras blogati debilane

Kako najaviti ovaj post bolje, nego uz sintetičku ljutnju Belgijskog ovčara hehehe, u istom trenu meni sjevne kroz glavu da moram pisati post o kretenima od susjeda koji odigraju rolu za pičke u Marice Barić 3, ali samo zato jer

a. Od kada sam im jebao mater sada više nisu u Marice Barić 3, ne ne ne, sada je inteligencija uz programsku palicu programera zaključila da je previše očigledno tako javno se prikazivati u prizemlju dok ja sa pesom slučajno prolazim, pored prozora. Pičke više nisu tamo hehehe, ili samo zatvore prozor kada ja prolazim, mislim ipak je 30° , pa ga otvore dok ja zamaknem iza zgrade. Originalno ;-), ali sam debile natjerao za početak da dignu dupe i zatvore prozor dok ja prolazim, slično nešto što su oni mnei priuštili , ovo vam je samo za početak.

b. Točka b) dolazi do izražaja uvijek, kada točka a) propadne ili još neke točke prije a) Točka b) znači da od trena kada se probudiš na silu, moraju te jebati da se ti još lošije osječaš, samo zato jer je pička isprogramirala tvoju glavu da se ti osječaš depresivno, pa tako odeš na WC kao normalni jutarnji ritual, a pes se krene derati i tako 4 times, samo zato jer pičke od susjeda obavještene ŠTO točno trebaju odtraditi za pičke u Marice Barić 3, samo zato jer je točka a) propala, točka b) se vrti već nekoliko dana zaredom, ajde pređite na slijedeću točku debili.

c) A pod točkom c) tu ja nastupam dalje….

pushing shit under his nose

Since I've begun to actively participate in seeking justice for their peace within 4 wall, upset the spirits within Marice Barić 3. Let's start again TI landlords, tenant, their man , their friend. I have known that shit come from Marica Baric 3, ground, where your mates come out running around for me, by chance!!! When I go for a walk with Peso. I also know for sure if you'd accidentally set up in front of the gas station, in front of a window with a cigarette and the last chance passing when I went out with Peso, it follows when a man wants his peace, but wonders why it works, and these fools do not exist, It's all in your head not, your illness. You see the problem is that when you have piles of evidence, More is better to make this monkey, so that you do I have to tell, sorry, as me with your position did not give sleep 3 sata, or what last night did not give sleep 4 sata, from when I went to bed, it's great to make this fool, The problem is not just that 2012 godina, I have known, when their game is over, a ova 4 fucks RECORD BELOW.

One for which you have no idea, because you can not turn your head to the left or right of himself in the room, because you can not see two feet from the side, them I am a lifetime, all the frustration and incompetence that they carry within, Yet there is a glimmer of hope, their poor life still makes sense. They have a magic cube in your hand, with which I programmed and true with smart, irony if made by people who are not sold Jake the bench, za razliku od njih, But you're not such a, you're a programmer, and we all know that developers are investing in yourself. Short look forward to our reunion, as neighbors, I love when events are created at random, od prirode majčice current životnom kolotečinom, BORN!!!.


For Developers

When me one day decided to roll, When I got jacked for "nerve", However, I have come to fuck your mother, you're going to be smart, course developer, while you fat cunt (motherfucker) gave instructions that we need to say. Now I'll tell you a few things, as a real programmer does not work, but just never. No 300 w electricity turned on in the apartment. says developer, or computer technician is educated, ili informiran, not like you, when you fired all your programming skills after a simple sentence, you remained hollow and stupid, because a disgusting redneck decided to sell social engineering, but it is important to know that your childhood desire to be a programmer, Of course that's not true. Kratko, Message for you "picked" and your buddies, for you do not know what they look like. These pictures if you help with that. I'll fuck you until you tell them to get out of this hole. Do we police, Državno odvjetništvo. Natural thick cunt and other jerks, will tell you, let now we are a little low profile, During this time while this is more lurking, I'll break him and all the other space weapons, allowing me guys karaju already a bunch of years. Mostly I'll fuck you mother guys.




Kreiranje sintetičkog sranja unutar kućanstva…

Ovo već dugo guram, svi pacijenti koji su nagrađeni kao i ja sumnjaju u tako nešto, ie. da se unutar kućanstva familije, generiraju sukobi, verbalne prirode, još bolje ako je fizičke prirode.Ne želim pričati o odnosu između mojih staraca, već dijete roditelj.


Vrlo jednostavno, ti im trebaš sam, tvoji ukućani moraju dignuti ruke od tebe, kada im padnu sve ostale debilane, ali samo zato jer ih ja pre-režem, kao sintetička poznanstva, sintetičke ljubavne emocije, nemaju što, pa dođe red, na što, generiranje svađe unutar ukućana. Tako se moj stari 46 godište zaleti na mene, nisam mu ništa rekao, bio bezobrazan, starac 70 godina. Već nekoliko puta se tako nešto događa , nije on lud, hehehe, ja sam.

Kada su mi dali sračku 13 puta sam trčao na zahod, hoću si skuhati rižu, OK bilo je kasno, rajngla je opala na pod, ali samo zato jer mi je pička pomaknula moj UD, i zazvonilo je malo jače, evo ti njega, koji kurac, nemam se kamo maknuti, zaleti se na mene, uzmaknem i svladam ga, nisam ga niti taknuo, osim što sam mu obujmio tijelo rukama da me ne može opaliti.

Nevezani incident za Novu Godinu, trćim za tramvajem i raspao sam se kao pička, moje možda…., sječate se pomicanje udova od prije hehehe, kao pička.

Neki dan Stari se zaletio na mene, watch now, brani čast pesa, a pesu nisam ništa napravio, osim što sam IZRAZIO svoje mišljenje, zaletio se na mene, ja sam zapalio van, kako sam trčao niz stepenice raspao sam se kao pička, pomicanje udova znate ono, od prije. Ako je prošlo 10 min vratim se nazad, kao da ništa nije bilo, triger (okidač) na starcu od 70 godina dođe i ode u 10 minuta.

I da prekinut ću sva sintetička poznanstva, jer me kreteni zajebavaju (mislim na ove iz Marice Barić 3), tako da unaprijed dođu do mojih frendova, ili telefonom, dobace što trebaju pričati, ako se trebamo naći, donesu tome čovjeku gadget da mi čita misli, a osim toga i u relanom vremenu dobije naputke što treba reći meni, jebite se nebu išlo, maknut ću se. Otišla su 2 Damira, Snježa, Suzi i još ini poznanici, i to vam neću zaboraviti, majstori.



Konačno smo došli i do njih, tzv. svemiraca, koji trčkaraju po cijeli dan za tobom, šiljeći te sa razno, raznim govnima, ali sve je to u tvojoj glavi, kada bi se još zamarao sa time. Uhvačeni su prvoga dana, kada sam odlučio IP kameru, koju koristim u principu samo da pokažem da nemam problema sa spavanjem, osim kada me svemirci bude, postaviti ne iznad mojeg kreveta, nego van prema ulazu broj 3. Oni koriste vrlo jednostavnu metodu pračenja, ili kroz moju glavu dobivaju signal, ili kroz mobitel GPS, IMSI cather, bla, bla i ostala sranja. TI tehnološki gadgeti im omogučuju da me puste par minuta, kada oni napuštaju ulaz, preptostavljam svi odjednom, ali taj dan nije bio običan dan. Nisu vjerojatno znali kako se postaviti, pa su tempirali izlazak iz ulaza, svakih nekoliko minuta, u ravnopravnim intervalima. Problem je samo što onda nisu bili sigurni u sebe, inače oni vole UHODITI NEKOGA, sada su bili u obrnutoj-podređenoj situaciji. AKO se pogleda svatko od njih pozornije, vidjet ćete im u hodu, ono malo lica što se vidi, KRIV SAM, kratko jedne obične pičketine ljudske, a da ne pretjerujem, samo si ih poškicajte. Jebiga kriv je jeftilen od kamere, koja je kineski junk, a još se vodi pod vanjsku/noćnu kameru!!!, ne može se ništa učiniti niti sa facebook tagom, ali naletit če mi jednom face!!!



Ti ljudi se niti ne skrivaju više, susjedi ili oni, prave se mutavi, nitko ništa ne zna, vodi se status, pusti njega on je lud, klasika, ti voziš jednom stranom autoputa, svi drugi drugom, ali zato tehnika ne laže, iako sa manipulacijama, žele postići tvoju zbunjenost, gdje su, nigdje ih nema, od Ede-Prikaze. Software lijepo pokazuje.

Frekvencija 1225-1350MHz, je zadužena za nanošenje boli, rana, otekline, škakljanje, svrab, osječaj vrtoglavice, nema spavanja, ovdje je samo dio frekvencije 1230-1261MHz…

Neke zadnje euforije iz cijele lepeze…

Pod manipulacije mislim da koriste IMSI catcher, GPS spoofing, zadnje što sam otkrio da svaki signal koji želiš detektirati pokazuje na MARICE BARIĆ 3. GPS spoofing je otprilike fake GPS koji ima jači signal od pravog GPS satelita, ali samo zato jer je cca 33 m daleko od mene, tako da poznate frekvencije 98.50, 88.10, 101.00 poznate radio stanice kod nas, ne pokazuje transmiter gdje u stvari jest, nego na Marice Barić 3, glupan kakav jesam, kako mi nije palo na pamet, da sa spijunskim gadgetima koje imaju, trebaju i fake GPS, samo da otkriju lokaciju odakle je došao zahtjev!!!, tako dečki emitiraju 101, pa malo radio Sljeme, svašta nešto.
Za kraj pravi dragulj, frekvencija 1479MHz, samo ja imam tu čast, na drugoj lokaciji neka druga osoba u ZG, nema tu frekvenciju, a na 1479MHz sam otkrio i posrkao nešto podataka, možda konačno dođemo do cilja kako mi optimiziraju glavu.

Kratko i jasno hoću te pičke van iz Marice Barić 3 i puca mi kurac kako ću doći do cilja, dobit će letke sa njihovim odvratnim facama na ulaz, Policija, Državno odvjetništvo, odcjepit ću ih maknuti od poznanika, marš van gamad, pa onda trčkarajte sa drugog mjesta za-mnom.


Evo mene opet, long I was on the air. Now we're going to do quickly

When we first saw, after booze, we went to the parking lot in the small of the night, although that part of town and not really that dark corner, compared to some. Prior to this parking lot we were together in a piece about 5h, and based on these 5 hours I concluded that you are not so sure people in yourself and you're scared to say. I am you are in a car about to say something about yourself hehehe, what are you to be, and I knew from before.

WHAT TO, ask all!!!

Listen I'm your little special, I function, kako koji dan, karaju me mikrovalnim “gadgets”, jerks, sorry svemirci… We go now to the voice of the people, whether it would have passed for a normal person, or one who does not know anything about that person than before, or that person escaped, head regardless of “luđaka”, but not xy, it is not, she endured what I should have said, just because they are aliens told her that an hour ago, It is not anything particularly brave.
The movie was running all the time in my head, mislim, Yet I am in the special regime and paranoid I. After that, I pushed it a few times, and I at the end of it and reproached and said if we once again screen by “bureke” with aliens “ajd side”.

And you know what them here again in action!!!

“The question that I do not know if I want to answer, I think I have better things to do than to think about it yet, whether the events in K. be your litmus paper, how is he really interested in me, it is ako, short answer, Not so much!!!”

After several of her arrival in Zagreb, I retaliated by going to K. hehehe, i “guess what”, Here are the aliens with me. It was a good old profile, koji kretenima već duuuugo nedostaje hehehe, a znaš što je to, slowly xy. I'll tell you now. Imaš perfektan stan smješten u obliku pravokutnika sa livadom između, tako da se čuje svaki glasić (ehooo), i znaš što oni rade onda… podjele špijunske sluške i mikrofon susjedima, i evo akcije brale hehehe. Susjedi govore onako u trećem licu jednine o nekome, you of course find yourself in it and of course, fuck you mom fuck your ass (itch, anger, rapid heartbeat, I call it the so-called. “touring machines”), as I am now as I write this to you, accidentally not 😉 .

I go out on the balcony with a cigarette, when here's choir on the left side of the building, I've learned that voices can be synthetically, ali neeee, these were not, I threw a cigarette and went inside, when here you are xy, fine is iskreveljila, you already “smoked”, I neee, dropped a cigarette through balcony. I remember that they screw up the moment, when you turn on the recorder on a mobile phone, AFRC I smoke again and get the fuck out with fools, when here is xy with a spit on the balcony the same, hehehe, has received an order to calm the situation, or took matters into their own hands and you yourself faked firefighter (If this is true, your jump out of the frame, still love me, not), otherwise you know what xy means, This means that you, and you had a spy gadget and rules are smart, to the person who didn't fuck you up to K, but now you get to know me in a totally different light. Remember mmožda lunch before I burned home (pre-hastily), I stood up toward the bowl with potatoes, who was standing behind you, in that moment we passed through the head, to perfection, must stand by it, He was probably referring to himself, you are familiar with that expression of perfection from our quarrel xy, This is according to the dictionary definition of the condition that the person will reach if you invest something in yourself, or to shorten, It is a condition that I will always reach before you to 1mm, but only because I have longer arms ;-), kujo glupa, old and ugly. What are your idea of ​​who you are, Of course this is not the perfection of my, This of course also know, that are qualified with the ass, because you are so nice iskreveljila again.

The first day we shot like beasts with her, or not 2 i 3 and, first because I was remembering her zanovjetanje around water, I will not talk, and her nonsense about the water here, Yet this is a blog about something else, or put to you things like this, woman is pictured agree tor (field), but within one sector which have (Of course this is only caricatured, because I would not write this now neee), However, the short did not wash the following 2 days, here and now that I may, how I came up with a practical solution. I'll test 3 Day FIT fool, whether or not to fuck, donkey, not interested, hurt them all, but no migraine :D:D:D. xy and why didn't you want to fuck with me anymore, because of the information that the neighbors have spy gadgets like you, and to be able to listen to the comments I have “in itself” dok te karam (maybe you wanted to fight later 02:00 on a night when everyone is asleep)or water has come to you too xy, maybe just ME.

The other litmus test was going out into the city. I persuaded you 2-3 times to go out into the city a little, but not xy, hehehe, you were ashamed because I was the most handsome in town, or you still suffer from the euphoria of a small place 😉 .

It's not my fault xy for my reaction, they are guilty, As you of course, just remember the adrenaline when you put Sluške in their ears, knowing that you will be in one's mind, motherfucker's fault of course the same, because he / they know exactly what we need to agree to fuck off, sorry i have a girl 0 tolerance dumbness and gave you 2 chance, which you cheaply squandered, I do not want to be intimate with someone, that before I odskenirati with the device, to see if you have it, said to Sluške.

This video is here just to show you that I have this device and registered devices that communicate wirelessly, and so what you had, do you want it xy., nice I asked them to stay away from, Debilane kojima su me šopali u tvojem prisustvu su naravno njihove xy, I think there is something and my, or to have their šopanja.Pitam wonder, thus it “dečkići” have that and managed to convince me to do???

A znaš zašto je toj jedan staaari profil xy; simply because they were doing and at Jarun, so I threw all flyer with a link to my page, Now people do not know where you will run into me, there is also “shielding”, I was forced to take to survive on a daily basis, that “not” should take because I was away. In fact you do not need anything, Only a normal life with the person who's going to screw up, normal life is something that most of them fucks, ali nisi ti za to xy hehehe, You are the spoon that teasing.

NOW let these fucking lajbeki , and so do not fuck, jerked off on me all day, It is safe when accompanied virtually every part of a second of your life, how to fuck someone, “zguza” while my pencil sharpener with a foot at a time, but even this did not work properly :D:D:D.

I za kraj moj mali osvrt o vodi xy, I just patkica wave!!!

How far do you have material that we correcting Croatian, perhaps still best to proof read of the peasantry…

goodbye ili ti po naski bum u pičku (It's not my term, only one person “Damir2”, I've just fucked off)

Post about Emma

Ovaj post moram započeti sa onom poznatom, all the characters in this story are the fruit of my imagination, blablabla i tako dalje…

Ali idemo mi dalje. Negdje za vrijeme ljeta prošle godine, ponukan od svoga frenda morao sam posjetiti “gerijatriju”, koja se skuplja petkom u klubu pod kodnim imenom udruga 40+, why, I do not know, ne volim stare babe nešto previše, više sam pedofil oko 25 g. curice, ali tog frenda kojeg sam u međuvremenu stjerao u kurac, svaki puta kad bi se našli, “EJ MORAMO” ići u taj klub.

Interno, onaj paranoidan dio u meni zvoni na uzbunu, jer sam nedavno prije isto tako, so in the spring of last year he fucked an old bitch, who fucked me up too much with my friends.

OK, but we go on to the story. There I came across a handsome old coke, with an emphasis on the still juicy old bitch 😀 😀 :D, I had a short coffee with that person 2 times (last year). She broke up with her former companion at the time and was not her own then. Our paths have crossed before 2 tjedna, when I ran into that place with another friend again, to show him the club, introduce it in all the secrets of the trade hehehe, However, I ran into pieces again. Tražila je brojcek od mene, pa smo se nakon kratkog dopisivanja opet našli. Ali prvo idemo opet pojasniti onaj moj paranodini dio…

Nakon nekog vremena počelo je na chatu ili kroz razgovor insinuacija na moju muškost hehehe, kao tipa:

Što ću sa tobom kada je tvoj “dick” mlohav, mrtav, to se više ne diže…

Jednom smo se našli zajedno na kavi ove godine, pa mi je dobacila drugu sumnju na moju muškost, ali ovaj put na onaj drugi naglasak, homofobni, pederski, prolazili smo pored tržnice na Jarunu, kad tamo dućan sa haljinama koje su bile izložene vani;

ONA: čekaj samo da vidim malo te krpice…

AND: ja si “zamislim u sebi”, kako bi bilo da ti ja probam haljinu,..

after 70 m, ona će na glas, nego hočeš probati haljinu, mislim zar mi čitaš misli HEHEHE.

Na kavi mi dobaci onaj pederski tonalitet, “nego kaj si takav, nemoj biti takav”, samo je falilo, da mi sa rukom, onako non-šalantno TO dobaci, da mi dočara hehehe TOPLINU, dark.

Na-večer kod tel. razgovora mi je dobacila, nešto kako ću ostati suhoga kurca hehehe

JA skužim da me “koka” valja, pa sam se brzo pridružio zajebanciji, te sam joj poslije razgovora dobacio link na svoju stranicu. Kada sam to napravio, onaj “MOJ” interni “AND” mi govori, nemoj to napraviti, and rest is the history. Nakon toga “dečkići” se otvoreno prudružuju zajebanciji, tipa klasika “ne želi imati posla sa tobom”, etc.…

Drugi dan je naravno probano još jebanja, naravno “OD NJE SAME”, bez pomoći od dečkića, koji ti imaju misli na dlanu i prave se pametni, pa tako imaš multi chat u isto vrijeme, sorry obzirom na njezino znanje o novim tehnologijama, ipak joj je prije bilo dobačeno što treba pričati.

ONA:Tipa, Robin nisam imala pojma da te tvoja bivša sjebala, sram je bilo, da li si u redu sada, uzimaš li lijekove. (kaže osoba koja mi je naglasila da je ODANA), dark, sorry i did not, I explicitly told her to be competent, I just want to sleep with her, and she will be on it…

ONA: Sorry I can not sleep with someone you do not know enough, fucking know “sve” from mafia about me I threw her a link to my page, Goddamn, now again is not good, now he won't have to deal with me because he KNOWS too much 😀 😀 😀

AND: I'm not taking anything, it's not her fault, I'm fine now 😀 😀 😀 ( at that moment a cynical smile on her part).



  1. Ako mi želite dati do znanja da mi je žlundrava stara koja od 50+ g, sve na ovome sviijetu što ja mogu pojebati, guess again, puca mi kurac, ne moram jebati, a TO nije istina, jer imam 44 kuke, NE izgledam staro, mršav, u relativno dobroj formi i na ulici znam tko me gleda, naravno osim starih žlundravih kujica, gledaju me i mlađahne, BORN. Ako me već kuja mora jebati preko debila, neka liči na nešto, i ima 20 godina manje, BORN.
  2. Znači fore tipa da me se zamagli kao u filmu “Ljubav je slijepa”, kada fura sa komadom od 150 kg, a umislio si je da je manekenka, ne pušim te fore, znači stara žlundrava kuja mora biti sretna što ima pametnog, zgodnog i visokog tipa i zaboravite na skakanje, kada njoj to paše, ili ne paše, da me zajebava sa mafijom (sorry 5 debila + stara kuja je više od 3 osobe koje su po našem zakonu zločinačka organizacija), samo da mu oni ne peglaju libido dok ju lik jebe, a ona za uzvrat odradi nešto za ekipu, samo da pojačamo “zamaglicu”
  3. Please don't answer, ako ne možete zajebati bivšeg pedera, naravno, sa sveobuhvatnom pomoći 5 debila i opremom od NSA, smišljene od 1995 g na ovamo.

Za kraj bi naglasio da sam ja svjesno uletio u ovu zajebanciju, još od mojeg 2 odlaska u taj klub (znači “riječima” pletem mrežu i igram se sa dečkima cca. već 8 mjeseci, samo oko operacije klub 40+, i već sam zabrijao na threesome sa bivšom i ovom, dark), i molba za sve druge osobe koje hoće imati posla sa-mnom, ja ću to opet napraviti, a kada mi se kurac neće dignuti na “Zoe Saldana”, znat ću da je to moje, jer sam peder.

U potpisu R.I.



Here I come after a certain post from the post anja .

The title is a bit strange, but we will reach the goal quickly. I would like to mention that my new friends-hackers in the absence of work, starting to go out of their dimensions, so they started fucking me with a mobile hacker unit 😀 , but first a brief introduction. Here and there poškicam its proud website, ie. Statistics of visits at the same. Since my friends part of my life, and they must let you know how they control everything and how nothing can pass without theirs “clearance” tj.posredništva, so they get the idea that the attack on the link on the page that actually does not exist (there is no post with that name, like ni-ti movie files on that pathu), ne znam kako je to moguće ili da li se radi o slučajnosti, but I have another example behind this that tells where to go tendency that. on which wants to put the emphasis. Short coincidence or not here's my “Avengersi” evidence.

To me ne jebe, mislim, samo mi je zasmetala i smetaće mi nepravda dok se krećem po ovoj planeti, jer jednostavno ime NE ŠTIMA. Ja nisam kriv, OSIM za svoju glupost, a to što sam učinio osobi sa kojom imam dijete je recept ili patern ponašanja od MKULTRE, ie. sada jednostavno znam da stroj može od tebe raditi budalu, manijaka, luđaka, največeg klauna na ovome svijetu, i DA to sam imao još 1999 g. samo zato jer se nekome u njezinoj porodici nije svidjelo sa kime curica “fura”, “hoda”…Dakle taj čovjek koji je to radio meni još 1999g je tu još uvijek i za jednog primitivnog čovjeka radi prljavi posao, dakle ime Avengersi ne štima jer je to ironija, i da sorry, bio sam ponukan nedavnim filmom koji sam gledao nedavno o Donald Trumpo, čovjeku koji je bio samo komunista prema vlastitom uvjerenju i živio je u Americi u vrijeme hladnoga rata, naglasak nije špijunirao za “Sovjete”, Život mu je otišao u kurac zbog svoga uvjerenja, te je čak završio i u zatvoru.

Primjer 2.

Radio sam nedavno za poznanika mail server na VPS-u i stvar ne štima. Upalim sve logove u verbose mod i gledajte što sam dobio na terminalu, mislim znam da postoje skripte koje “randomly” napadaju mail servere, pogađajući user name i pass, ali ponavljam malo je indikativno ime koje je iskočilo u prvi plan, mislim dečkima je dosadno ili ti samo žele dati do znanja da oni kontroliraju sve NE…

HAKOM – no reading between 1240 – 1440 MHz

After I collected documentation with JEFTILEN USB cards and RTL-SDR software, I sent all of this Hakom. The answer is lower below the post. Short fingers mafia have stirred things up again by chance, no harmful radiation, hehehe, Hereby I finished part of the HR institutions, I think if you'll try to do something and ask HR institutions, will be only to well-karam, , because this part of the story when people turn their heads to 2 side good thick ZABAVLJA, and even more (amuses) kada se trebam nači sa mojim znancima, Friends, and people with whom I work, a 4 perpsa nalete prije mene u “full gasu”, with equipment for eavesdropping, as well as the quick-psychological training of these same people, a ono što ne stignu dogovoriti, 4 umotvorca to dobace budalama kroz sluške u uši. That part of ME especially happy, when you see the poor idiot, actors who are not only ordinary people to function in an interview mobokracije see to defend targets MKULTRA and that of karacina 10 years, which is in totalnome KURC, stoji kljakavo na staklenim nogama, JOŠ uvijek želi živjeti hehehe, so you can hear from one.

1 case

AND: they are totally fucked, are finished…

ON: A, maybe not, that you just, think

2. case

ON: type up my butt to get together, u P.M. you have to see with the image, will drink a glass of mulled wine before Christmas to me.

AND: Već sam ga sterao u kurac prije, because I'm fucking with bitches, and why it occurs again, a u P.M. as I drove off and fuck that bitch in me fucking him, and they FAAALLLI profile rebuking, and is good and this moron. NE govorim više na glas, Neee, we have 21 Century NSA communication at the level of, in their minds talk, motherfuckers, come on once again persuade idiot to be contacted, I go to the cops to report harassment, because I got a text message from him mount, people know how it ended, od toga dana, and here it's been at least 7-8 days, man no longer occurs, Now that my “CRAZY PART”, it is not stretched before the cock via SMS, BORN, I did not even talk to him, hehehe.

Then actions GPS!!!

Fuck the whole city does not have GPS, when you need him, but it does not matter, I knew it was.

Let's shorten the thing. FIRING my dick for all the jerks with which I find myself, treba mi društvo samo, if they do not, naletiče someone 2, and in the end for all those people who have got in the way and burst in a collection mobokracije,

Nabi YOU ALL THE FUCK, HUMAN stupid cunt,

if I will ever more be called will only give you back primordial GLUPOST, as this game, a gutanje knedli, moving her head to the side, obviously lying, throwing things that only you know “by chance”, me samo dobro zabavlja , a motherfucker we owed puuuuno, a ove kretene ću riješiti, because we BTW, be the same as you.

HAKOM je zadnja institucija koju sam kontaktirao I-KADA u vezi ovih gluposti, od sada sam “klasa nihilist”, mislim jebote zamisli ti ovo, čitam slučaj S. Koreje, OK, ne možeš prdnuti bez da ne znaju na vlasti, totalna cenzura, OK idemo sada usporediti, u P.M koja je razlika demokracije u HR i S. Koreje, jebote ja mogu kakati o ovome što mi se događa (u biti mi se ništa ne događa, samo sam totalno LUD), i to evo kao i u svakoj demokratskoj državi ja objavljujem, ALI nitko ne poduzima ništa u vezi toga, oni te karaju, ti imaš NAJBOLJE DOKAZE od svih ljudi kojima se ovako nešto događa, but it does not matter, oni heklaju dalje, jer držimo sve u rukama (tako mi se barem želi dati do znanja).

A opet evo da vam metnem, malo vama običnim ljudima koji nemate pojma skoro ništa u vezi samnom, ali ako nalete 4 jahača apokalipse, začaraju vas magičnim štapičem i pjevat ćete kako oni orkestriraju.

Što vi imate u našoj lijepoj državi, gdje vam trakavica od izbora i post-izbornih dogovora ide na onu stvar, a bitno je da ekipa samo sebe namiri i sve koji su u tome skupu, a ako se netko pobuni, tko te jebe, demokratska smo država, odi na izbore sam, kada te izaberu, ti češ postavljati pravila igre, so what is the fucking difference.

Jebiga i ja kažem tko vas sve jebe, ja sam odavno shvatio da vozim po auto-banu 6 traka solo, a svi ostali se gužvaju po auto-banu 6 traka u suprotnome smjeru, uživajte i vi malo samnom gledano kroz prizmu države gdje živite, boli nas kurac za sve brale.
