Sintetička influenca FINA1-pičke (kodno ime)

Žena je došla u FINU na posao totalno gripozna ili virozna. Imao sam tu nesreću da sam ja baš tada čistio prostore kada je ona paradirala i hvalila se kako će svi biti bolesni u kombinaciji sa kihanjem bez dlana preko lica.

Baba kihne Robin dobije sinteičku influencu (dum u pičku), tako jedno 3 dana me dobro držalo, sada mi jebu grlo sa micro waveom. Mislim skoro svi simptomi prave influence osim što nisam naravno dobro spavao i normalno sam jeo, toga nema kod prave gripe. Slike u prilogu.







Interception of women by social networks for partner search

This is good. Back 2 months we have managed to sabotage 2 bitches on Twoo and Badoo. A long time ago but I doubt this, Now safe and know. How am sure, almost to have even purchased a premium service, One of the additional services at one of the dating sites that provide additional opportunities,  but not to look for a pussy,boy, but to me fucked up that I do not find anyone. One was Helena ZG, Ana and the other from KA. Helena did not give the number of phone. , nor sought him, we were once on drinks, then he ducked every time my offer. I am sure that it somehow contact, since I have no. tel. they do not know him, nor pussy, which leaves only the possibility, that he contacted internally via Badoo ,Twoo system to search for messages. Of course the point is to give GLUPAC headsets to read minds and that it makes smart, The woman blurted something they say it through Sluške. My wife and I are, of course,, I do not believe in coincidences Fula, Should we find at the mall, and it is of course accidentally fulala input / output, there are two, waiting for me in the second. We had a drink and that's it, truth is we were tense. I can dig anywhere wife, da drum prepisku Poruka.

Other Ana, We met on Twoo, correspondence is first on Twoo internal communication channel, followed by SMS, and finally Viber. We never find, I gave her no. tel., as she believes his. It is indicative that she had more desire to meet with-me, which has eased, ie. It is ForSale to meet, and in the end not found. U nastavku prepiska poruka


After this I decided to share my friends with the company on Badoo and Twoo, when I'm looking for a wife for himself, and looking for the three parasites, so it looks like this….


Slijedeče ću naručiti svaki mjesec po kurvu, pa da čujem onda izlike, ne mogu sada, dogovorila sam se već sa nekime, sorry imam picajzle, imam Vijetnamsku ružu, etc…

Here's another,,hr,luck of Kt,,hr,everything was OK,,hr,I delighted her over the phone,,bs,talk by,,hr,something posts on twoo,,bs,and for the end of two mail after each that's it,,hr,Posts,,bs,The answer to my mail where I left on the cloud photos of his chiseled body,,hr,and videos to & nbsp; in Cammeo uniform front,,hr,spigla,,co,I do the self or,,bs,video,,en,concluded that I infantile,,bs,maybe,,bs,Book,,sv,thank you for everything,,hr,I think our priorities in life too different to be able to work,,hr,and I have extra time,,hr,I wish you all the best,,hr,pozz,,bs,,,en,AgTtpXlIRe8lhWpqR0DM2yFVUbn,,af 3 sreća iz Kt, sve je bilo Ok, odusevio sam ju preko telefona, razgovaramo po 2 sata, cca 2-3 times, nesto postova na twoo, i za kraj dva maila po svaki to je to.



Odgovor na moj mail gdje sam na cloudu ostavio fotke svojeg isklesanog tijela ;-), and saw him in a Cammeo uniform in front “spigla” radim selfie ali “video”, zakljucila je da sam infantilan, valjda.

Bok, Robin,

hvala ti na svemu. Mislim da su nam prioriteti u životu previše različiti da bi mogli funkcionirati, a ja nemam viška vremena. Želim ti sve najbolje! Pozz


Last one je iz Ubera prepiska je tekla otprilike,en;






Still moving – Dream Job

Phoenix cleaner Marica Hrdalo or me better comparison Jean Reno (cleaner) iz Nikite se vratila/o. The novelty is that I took a job!!!, After a long time of drought, posao iz snova, čistač na minimalcu ima posao. I got some information that's only because of this that I would be able to better control , hmmm, you know who, but it does not matter,

ultimate Goul je ovo;


The latter need to know exactly to what frequency fucking me with exactly what. the assumption is, I almost 100% sure that the device is one master (serial connection) other devices, and I now measure,hr 6-8 frequency with the same appearance in the spectrum analyzer-in. You're disturbing if one frequency all falls apart, of reading, think spanking with synthetic mind while you still, checking your vital signs remotely. Ovaj uređaj ima mogućnost emitiranja signala, record 20 seconds of their shit and return them to back, i “quiet Bosnia”.

Therefore, I will of course suffer all queer jokes from frustrated employees who work more duuga in the company, kao i bullying prema kuji koja tamo radi, not my job. Ja sam samo tu da bi dokazao ovu debilanu za bolju Hrvatsku i trebam novčeke, i ovo šaljem svim pičkama i pičketinama koji žive tuđi život, in the absence of their own, ie. za sve one koji su imali slušalice u ušima i slušali moje misli, kao i njihove naredbe što i kada točno trebaju nešto reći u realnom vremenu, nešto što sada šljakeri rade, to valjda znači “bolja kontrola”.


I naravno za kraj malo “photo session” sa terena iz prve ruke, I thought to take my clothes off in panties, I need to Badoo and Twoo, because my pussy saying that no-one you bitch does not want to deal with mother-me, it would have made, but I fear for homophobic laborers, how will it succeed digest.

Čudne frekvencije kod mene

Konačno sam naletio na frekvencije, koje su zaslužne vjerojatno za ono što ti se događa.

Niže imate i 3 wav fajle uzorkobane 44.1 KHz, ako netko želi pomoći i probati demodulirati TO čudo tehnike.

Htio bi napomenuti da je zakonom zabranjena demodulacija signala, ali je i zabranjeno sa državnim novcem riješavati privatne osvete, sorry zagrebačku zajebanciju, kao i to da u stvari demoduliram svoje misli i mene nitko nije pitao za zaštitu autorskih prava ili trademark, kada su mi spojili računalo ili moj alter-ego na 10-30 m od mene i programiraju me svaki dan. Sorry nekako mislim da će mi RH, nekako oprostiti, nadopuna signal je sniman sa gain (snaga) “0”, kao i natenicom od cca 10 cm, kratko želim reći ja ne lovim signal u “Vladivostoku” , signal lovi mene po gradu, i moja je dužnost braniti se, “kada državne institucije rade svoj posao.”


Zbogom Dr. OPĆE PRAKSE (fora iz X ostavka)

Jedan trol manje u priči je Dr. Kranjčević. Dr. opće prakse koja u normalnoj državi kao što je RH, daje svoju riječ, svojim potpisom. Znate za onaj post sa Policijom i Dr. Mihaljević, naravno da dečki i kod nje dotrče 5 minuta prije nego ja navratim, samo zato jer sam tražio njezin potpis, za žalbu HAKOM-u, da me netko zajebava sa frekvencijama. Zahtjev prema drugoj instituciji sa potpisom doktora, dalo bi na težini.

ONA: Ja ti to ne-mogu dati, moraš ići kod Dr. Mihaljević.

Sprdajuči se prije nekoliko postova sam zaokružio kako ide priča kada ja nešto tražim, recimo kada sam izgubio 8 all, dobiješ uputnicu za psihijatriju (dr. Opće prakse (eventualno murijas ako si luđak da truda) – Dr Specijalist – kuća – dr. Opće prakse – Dr Specijalist). Naravno da su pičke zaokružile svoju interesnu sferu sa institucijama, koje bi slučajno mogle pomoći, a doktorica je tu odmah pri vrhu liste.

Pitao sam doktoricu dokle ide šarada, kada ću razbiti stvar i kada ću imati svoje misli u eteru ili na terminalu računala. Odjednom kod doktorice se dogodila čudna reakcija. Obuzelo ju je naglo crvenilo, do sisa koje nema, jer naravno ona je u tome trenu meni čitala misli, i DA njezin glupi odgovor, kada se uhvati dijete sa rukama u pekmezu, NEMAM TI JA POJMA O TEHNICI, or something like that.


Moje pismo doktorici za prekid veze:

Pošto me rade budalom, ja sam se odlučio pridružiti zajebanciji i otići kod dr. opće prakse koja najbolje izgleda tj. naj-zgodnija. Mislim što će ti doktorica, znate ono “idem kod moje doktorice”, kada u startu nije tvoja, njena sposobnost nije bitna, imam svemirce za doktore.



i malog


sa malom maturom iz liječničke prakse

Sada više nije važno jer znam da je signal moduliran od “amera”, i da je namijenjen za mornaricu i vojne svrhe eksplicite i to bi bio razlog zašto zovem HAKOM, ali očekuje me neki pametan odgovor i sa te strane.

Naime sitgnal je jak -30 dB, a ja imam antenicu od 10 cm. Za frekvencije od 24 i 28 MHz je to čudno jer neki “glupi” ljudi stavljaju antene od 18m da love svemirce u tom niskom bandu. Slijedeći okismoron je da je signal identičan danju i noću, što je nemoguće, idemo se praviti pametni, propagacije signala, ionizirajuče zračenja itd.



Police gather lunatics around town

When I decided to stop debilane with neighbors “neighborhood”, the way of extreme activism, čitaj između redova, polijepio I pussy pictures from Dubarve, for which no one knows where they are in the neighborhood, to tell my “frend”, aliens and attack, as well as a short text for all the neighbors.

Throw image

To sam radio tri dana, every morning (were glued to-night), nothing was on the wall, subdivided aliens. The reaction I was waiting for the same three days. Stopped by the patrol police in 21:00, explicitly asking me, since the old opened the door.

Furthermore, I can not-to write debilane, Read the complaint the next day, I'm looking at PU Trešnjvka. Now I've seen “švrakotine”, my apologies, horror that man forgets, because it is not repeated work, I did not write anything by hand for years, seems to have caught me out the hole with a pickaxe can put two coherent.

Throw image

adding a further final control of Dr.. Mihaljević. When all paper “suffer”, noted that I would then come explicitly to them messing, I asked her opinion of my results at all-night sleep / recording in hospital, and medical grass. She put it like this:

kisses pdf

That conversation I have recorded in audio format, that is bad, but I'll try to handle!!!

The problem is that because her signature is worth something, although it has long been in the game charade led by three boys.

Let me to Police. after complaints, I repeated my arrival two more times, joining debilana, seeking to aliens who reside in 24h Marice Barić officially legitimize and seek some change their address and a common pay utilities. You know the joke when you move, muriji u roku 7 days , and the army within 2 h :D:D:D should be reported to your Change dares, but fuck aliens do not exist, and if there protecting them COUNTRY, but there is hope, last man told me that I just wait, now they will come around, if I'm going to fuck, then for a year, when purchases again shit, čitaj između redova, let the boys to continue programming alone, YES leave them alone.

Državno odvjetništvo DOD odbijenica

Evo nastavka od mojeg osvrta na prođenu godinu i po dana sa svakodnevnom karačinom, za one koji čitaju ove debilane i nešto su propustili, ovdje je brzi link na uvod, što više nećemo raditi sa službenim državnim institucijama

Ovime završavamo moju komunikaciju sa službenim državnim organima, jer je sve namješteno i narihtano. Pošto mi je dano do znanja da je sve u njihocim rukama, I have long no longer trying to official institutions visualize your problem, just because someone before 5 min or perhaps earlier announced my arrival at the institution, ie. behave with you as if you are a citizen Kane, then you'll like this all nice fuck mother, and you say, still smart. Last institution that gave me the cart is DOD.

Kratak osvrt na ovu debilanu je samo da ako su nešto htjeli napraviti, mogli su poslati patrolu, služebene osobe u civilu, malo zaprijetiti nekome od susjeda i sva igra pada u vodu, jer ove 3 pičke trče svaki dan ili svaki 2 dan od ulaza do ulaza i budu u nečijem stanu, i NITI JEDAN susjed se nebi pravio TOLIKO pametan da ide u “rešt”, za glupu debilanu, kratko sve vam pada u vodu i jebite se svi, nečete ništa napraviti ništa niti kada vam donesem svoje misli u eteru i pustim vam to u nekom formatu, JER NE ŽELITE RADITI SVOJ POSAO!!!.

Službeni odbijanac:




We're going to work in the technical corner, but this will be a little different because I'm right behind it to indicate their images as determined by a gadget works of non-deadly-weapon or NLW, me or other people, and my pesu, and you have the comfort of Kremiće doctor to mazes, If you get 2x, Onda is a matter of psychosomatic nature, a psychiatry still has a free bed for me, thinking out loud, that you will have after this….






Kiki II parting

For those who do not know who is Kiki, and accidentally read these debilane quickly link to repeat material.

Kiki culmination

I do not know why I called Kiki for the third time, I had a special instinct for time. Unazad dva tjedna mi kljuca od kada sam ju ševio jednom bez gumice, da bi se trebao ići testirati, that might have a sickness, her ex-boyfriend was a drug addict, but somehow she nonchalantly said that “HER” Sakoman said that there is nothing. When we see a second time, spomenuo sam testiranje na koje se ona uhvatila da bi trebali ići, we did not sleep. Today's meeting will not so quickly forget, I come, she dressed provocatively, cook coffee, needs to get her a friend, but did not come. He shows me the results of blood, liver enzymes are in a skyscraper, OK maybe booze, I give her the papers to anonymous climate testing hmm. serious illnesses, I would go out with her, it will not, wants to stay, move me download, fallen cigarettes. Suddenly called her friend that will still come, comes a quiet čiča in years, who is it good, dear man who cares for her. Most of the time I have a conversation, atmosphere stupid, talking dumb criminal stories from the past, roll me or seriously!!!. She goes to bed where he needs to rest, čiča se odlazi u drugi krevet odmoriti, or not, It requires him to leave the table to make society, ON will, women shot at once as in the theater, Now we will all see, turning numbers randomly, called old, followed by a message to him from her old, It requires that we recover at home, but we can not because Kiki locked the door. Kiki at one point throwing a glass on the floor and hysterically yelling, dog me shit himself and started to run away, will persistently on the glass, mičem weighs, will persistently call 192, BTW, what the fuck ever, cops were 92. Kiki still yields and opens the door for us, Uncle wears a bike, I unezverenog beets under his arm, out by asking, listen because it also really good fucks, because he believes lark was despair, and hear not know, what to say, I've always been good to her, as they normally sleep together and toss me to have muted the bacteria in the urine!!!, that the ten lined on it, that he offered it to her shore, that her ex-boyfriend, junkie forced to have sex with animals, Note the smoking pit bulls, one dog that died from the disease xyz, breaking up with market, with a message of support, “Hear sorry dude”.


I intend to go to test the plagues, They know it, in the same moment when we were walking, mene krene boliti jetra ;-), move one of those mighty panic attacks, natural synthetic, I want to break, splitting my dick for Kiki, HIV, do not have to listen to them more, I'm happy, Only that's not more ad-hoc, jebote live with time if the watch 15 g., I'm talking to you just as you can roll up your ass, fuck suddenly V2k, samo te karamo, messing. XYZ times question, everything is allowed in this game. My website is here only as a moral vertical balance in a game without rules, and that they do not have and that I was solo on “KVATRIĆ” Now I would be fucked all night, synthetic dreams, with fake pain, because they are already doing, and when I blew a bunch of money, that would prove 0.

Kiki is supposed to serve as a joker, because we are relatively close, becoming addicted to it, sorry I can not, because we do not give jerks, and I certainly do not want, I want to get laid and get away, I did not expect this kind of transformation of women, that actress at the table and games, At one point, when the glass on the floor was like killing me as Anja Šovagović hehehe, I underestimated bitch because I saw her a couple of times stoned, I did not know that anything like this istrkeljati, owes me a number of brunettes, if you do not know which, looking at the page…

Homeland Thanksgiving Day

The man or former “biker”, ili ima neispunjenu Zhelyu imati under Soboba Yamaha 1100 CCM. Morata snimiti to špananje-turiranje “drills” in 17:49. His contribution Storm and Day of Homeland zahvalnosti.Thanks Pero. I do not know if the cunt something Boral or just fucks idle…
