When I decided to stop debilane with neighbors “neighborhood”, the way of extreme activism, čitaj između redova, polijepio I pussy pictures from Dubarve, for which no one knows where they are in the neighborhood, to tell my “frend”, aliens and attack, as well as a short text for all the neighbors.
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To sam radio tri dana, every morning (were glued to-night), nothing was on the wall, subdivided aliens. The reaction I was waiting for the same three days. Stopped by the patrol police in 21:00, explicitly asking me, since the old opened the door.
Furthermore, I can not-to write debilane, Read the complaint the next day, I'm looking at PU Trešnjvka. Now I've seen “švrakotine”, my apologies, horror that man forgets, because it is not repeated work, I did not write anything by hand for years, seems to have caught me out the hole with a pickaxe can put two coherent.
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adding a further final control of Dr.. Mihaljević. When all paper “suffer”, noted that I would then come explicitly to them messing, I asked her opinion of my results at all-night sleep / recording in hospital, and medical grass. She put it like this:
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That conversation I have recorded in audio format, that is bad, but I'll try to handle!!!
The problem is that because her signature is worth something, although it has long been in the game charade led by three boys.
Let me to Police. after complaints, I repeated my arrival two more times, joining debilana, seeking to aliens who reside in 24h Marice Barić officially legitimize and seek some change their address and a common pay utilities. You know the joke when you move, muriji u roku 7 days , and the army within 2 h :D:D:D should be reported to your Change dares, but fuck aliens do not exist, and if there protecting them COUNTRY, but there is hope, last man told me that I just wait, now they will come around, if I'm going to fuck, then for a year, when purchases again shit, čitaj između redova, let the boys to continue programming alone, YES leave them alone.