So looong we had this shit. I mean invest in shielding, and you're in, but fuck cunt which everything in life get me fucked up, However, the fool does not sleep, dug a hole jerk, which was the effect of shifting in his sleep, TA-DA synthetic substances, or not “ordinary”. This time they're pussies chose my old bitch because of that I am receiving all on a daily basis, now we have to stop a little on the ball and imagine the, How many times have we said to him: to think about shit, not much, because it was the point of action, that's the jedini, but what it now????. Maybe the guys excited, go pen smears with a ruler to share.
The reason is just that I'm shooting for her cock and they know it well, so you give vent, go ahead bojsi……
Monthly Archives: July 2016
when all their
So all their, there was no hope for me. When your friends their, odrade 5 minute roll for them, when the collector bottle, their, as they ran to jerk and tossed his headphones, and talk to him when I was little talk in real time, and the thing turned out badly, just because the guy was drunk. When your phone is not your, for I have kriptiras, You take all debilane, with him that I can not fuck, but fuck 24h are you on 25-35m, and injecting someone shit wirelessly just to show you how to take control of your phone. When your parents robots in their hands, because as doing at all times for them to roll, unconsciously, when all the neighbors play a role for them 5 minute because it's cool, and when I take away 50% of all the ordered because I'm paranoid, My question to you jerks, where you IMPACT….
moras blogati debilane
Kako najaviti ovaj post bolje, nego uz sintetičku ljutnju Belgijskog ovčara hehehe, u istom trenu meni sjevne kroz glavu da moram pisati post o kretenima od susjeda koji odigraju rolu za pičke u Marice Barić 3, ali samo zato jer
a. Od kada sam im jebao mater sada više nisu u Marice Barić 3, ne ne ne, sada je inteligencija uz programsku palicu programera zaključila da je previše očigledno tako javno se prikazivati u prizemlju dok ja sa pesom slučajno prolazim, pored prozora. Pičke više nisu tamo hehehe, ili samo zatvore prozor kada ja prolazim, mislim ipak je 30° , pa ga otvore dok ja zamaknem iza zgrade. Originalno ;-), ali sam debile natjerao za početak da dignu dupe i zatvore prozor dok ja prolazim, slično nešto što su oni mnei priuštili , ovo vam je samo za početak.
b. Točka b) dolazi do izražaja uvijek, kada točka a) propadne ili još neke točke prije a) Točka b) znači da od trena kada se probudiš na silu, moraju te jebati da se ti još lošije osječaš, samo zato jer je pička isprogramirala tvoju glavu da se ti osječaš depresivno, pa tako odeš na WC kao normalni jutarnji ritual, a pes se krene derati i tako 4 times, samo zato jer pičke od susjeda obavještene ŠTO točno trebaju odtraditi za pičke u Marice Barić 3, samo zato jer je točka a) propala, točka b) se vrti već nekoliko dana zaredom, ajde pređite na slijedeću točku debili.
c) A pod točkom c) tu ja nastupam dalje….
pushing shit under his nose
Since I've begun to actively participate in seeking justice for their peace within 4 wall, upset the spirits within Marice Barić 3. Let's start again TI landlords, tenant, their man , their friend. I have known that shit come from Marica Baric 3, ground, where your mates come out running around for me, by chance!!! When I go for a walk with Peso. I also know for sure if you'd accidentally set up in front of the gas station, in front of a window with a cigarette and the last chance passing when I went out with Peso, it follows when a man wants his peace, but wonders why it works, and these fools do not exist, It's all in your head not, your illness. You see the problem is that when you have piles of evidence, More is better to make this monkey, so that you do I have to tell, sorry, as me with your position did not give sleep 3 sata, or what last night did not give sleep 4 sata, from when I went to bed, it's great to make this fool, The problem is not just that 2012 godina, I have known, when their game is over, a ova 4 fucks RECORD BELOW.
One for which you have no idea, because you can not turn your head to the left or right of himself in the room, because you can not see two feet from the side, them I am a lifetime, all the frustration and incompetence that they carry within, Yet there is a glimmer of hope, their poor life still makes sense. They have a magic cube in your hand, with which I programmed and true with smart, irony if made by people who are not sold Jake the bench, za razliku od njih, But you're not such a, you're a programmer, and we all know that developers are investing in yourself. Short look forward to our reunion, as neighbors, I love when events are created at random, od prirode majčice current životnom kolotečinom, BORN!!!.
For Developers
When me one day decided to roll, When I got jacked for "nerve", However, I have come to fuck your mother, you're going to be smart, course developer, while you fat cunt (motherfucker) gave instructions that we need to say. Now I'll tell you a few things, as a real programmer does not work, but just never. No 300 w electricity turned on in the apartment. says developer, or computer technician is educated, ili informiran, not like you, when you fired all your programming skills after a simple sentence, you remained hollow and stupid, because a disgusting redneck decided to sell social engineering, but it is important to know that your childhood desire to be a programmer, Of course that's not true. Kratko, Message for you "picked" and your buddies, for you do not know what they look like. These pictures if you help with that. I'll fuck you until you tell them to get out of this hole. Do we police, Državno odvjetništvo. Natural thick cunt and other jerks, will tell you, let now we are a little low profile, During this time while this is more lurking, I'll break him and all the other space weapons, allowing me guys karaju already a bunch of years. Mostly I'll fuck you mother guys.