This euphoria, which is exclusively tailored to summer regime. The reason is very simple, my 5 friends, who play directed by the 1 year drama (I do not know whether you have the directorial chair), love to emulate synthetic events created real events, including caricaturing, bearing in itself PVC raincoat and turned on the device for forcing the small beast (mosquitoes), I have such euphoria throughout the body (image n 1), especially in the period between 19-21 h in the open, especially in the meadow, I have mosquito bites below PVC raincoat (being that these African). Of course there is a moment helped going to the Dr.. General Practitioner, because they know the blisters to be increasing, and even lumps, I had them last summer it seems to me 4-5. After the doctor I did not have bumps, only mosquitoes. In the winter is mainly an itching all over the body, honestly do not know if it's the same weapon NLW, something there and was used 1 times in the war in Afghanistan ADS (Active denial system), oružje za indoor/outdoor, based on microwave technology, which in humans in a short time on the surface of the skin dries out the liquid, and come up with blisters. I looked at one in the sight of me on the hand grows blister, nowhere mosquito or a hornet.
The voices in my head that are not voices gnjida1-5
Ne znam kako se ova tehnologija zove, it is the emulation of real votes of people who I accidentally met or know, but there are still votes such as synthetic sounds of various devices, automobile, taps / faucets and toilet flush etc.. Again, I must emphasize that I exaggerate, This cynical and ironic humor works wonders. I live in the streets through which the working day passes to approximately 100 automobile, a i to je puno, but because I heard on Sunday non-stop opening and closing doors, if you happen to lean out of the window, there is no one, caricaturing, I self 2 blocks away, and I have absolute pitch. There are then say constant sounds of opening and closing the tap, whole host of sounds on the topic of opening water, I especially like the sound when I go by bike in the basement with parents, water pipes 100-110mm, sound like I was at Niagara Falls, they love the water, Of course all synthetic sounds go directly to the brain, zaobilazeći politely organ, several tests with recording sound recorder (turn on the recording on a mobile phone and convince that there in fact no sound) knows a little help, but quickly nits consolidate, so go with their sounds. Zvukovi ljudskih glasova koji su dobačeni randomično pod 360º stupnjeva od osi čovjeka je isto jedna sintetička euforija sl. lower.
* This is just an example for some ideas, što otpilike imaju oni kada se odluče gdje plasirati sintetički zvuk. Of course, this is just a sound test of a well-known IT company.
You walk down the street, hearing voices, turn to anyone anywhere, or perhaps talk to a salesgirl at sea, literally speaking 10 words with a woman (I want to say to them is very little need to emulate someone else's voice), I turned around and after 3m , I hear her voice the legendary "what to say", has 1 a problem which has received the phrase, hehehe, tourist alien, kada sam ja odlazio od žene samo je taj čovjek prilazio pultu.
Tretiranje nožnih palace
All of euphoria so far are of course psychosomatic in nature, but they say the synchronized pain in both toes in the area of the tip of the nail and cuticle and watch it now, while walking on the road, Step by step, continuous pain to koračaš from foot to foot. This of course has its own modifications on the subject, say specifically used at bedtime, as the means for disruption, except the head with nausea and opportunities, I guess they are not sure that this stay awake or to make use of manpower, 5 pieces.
As invisible weapon changing your consciousness 24/7 days of the week. Years ago,, even before I knew what it was, I knew to be BUDJA, then would be excited / stimulated to talk with his "friends". All your phrases, Thought, your subconscious is recorded somewhere on the computer and as 1 from the main means of attack, used yours phrases, pulsing through your day thinking that you said before, somewhere in the ether of the subconscious. Imagine profiles on the computer, Monitor (movie mod, graphic mode), exactly known mode when you're with her parents, mode when you're out there somewhere, mode at home, thus the applied. One of the main sources of modification of consciousness is a synthetic fear of your neighbors. Deliberately focuses on hatred of its neighbors, ie. that they have something against you or that you think constantly about them, for example as a single profile, right to know what are the neighbors. Example you doing something on the computer, trying to figure out the theme of what you're working, while coming randomično hatred of a few neighbors, I'll kick them, Bice me, he will kill me, they should all fuck, etc.. I do not know how to call this, but when you go through the city, exactly at the specified location, in a particular establishment or toponym you just have to turn / lift her head prama this object, or we pass through the subconscious thought of what happened in that place once upon a time, or who has been here, and you know that person. Do you know that I have a terrible euphoria to cranes / crane on a construction site around town, Thank God that there are only 2 around the city in the area in which I pass. Going through the city on a huge crossroads on the fairy tale with the peso, Beside the normal What are you looking at that this auto does not pick up the dock prelaziš cestu, at one time, my head rambling down the road u 4 out, and randomly passing by cars, While bingo, glava becomes (a satellite dish on the engine) the car full of kids who are not animal. Let's say at continuous sleep deprivation (insomnia), you feel as if your nose will fall off at the root, constant pain while you are changing the synthetic chemistry in the head.
Groups, songs and movies
I love you watch a good movie, and I'm fairly good at identifying groups, playing in the background on the radio. Back 5-6 g, I have Multiple difficulty recognizing "Very", known groups or actors from the movies, kao što je Uma Thurman, being that dementia progressed, so you can not think of any more Ume hehehe.
Synthetic substances
All the things you did not get on a daily basis through life, can you be dobačeno dreams, Briefly want you to throw some messages through synthetic dreams, theme is different, my dog, and, friendship that we need to convey the message, do stvarno gnjusnih snova hehehe, true it was not long or longer care for it, or is a bigger problem only to create the same, mali je te to feedback, read do not perceive it too thrown into a backup plan. I was not a person who is otherwise remembered dreams in sleep, when I was "normal", as in natural dreams, You wake up "I", when the dream peaked, when the message is sent or no longer prepared material in stock for cramming in head, only to be recalled events, if not I at least with the help of them, sorry u 4 in the morning we head just does not work too fast, just want to turn on 2 side and still sleep, or not, you have to know what the author wanted to say, pa sam tako dobio jednom reklamu iz aviona na bijelom dugom platnu “MI SMO JAKO PAMETNI”.